Ini post cerita pasal hari pertama
elektif posting kami.
kitorang decided pegi Asan Medical Centre,Seoul.
Haaa..Ramai kot tanya camne pulak la
boley tersesat kat Korea kan?
Reti ke cakap?Reti tak reti main belasah je la.
Ape susah.Buat muka blurr la.Tak pun bagi isyarat tangan.haha
Da kata macam itik ayam kan.
okie.cite panjang-panjang pun tak gune.
straight to the point.
so,that day.we had to meet Ms. Ji Eun at 10 am.
She's the one yang handle kitorang.
dimana aku sibuk berbalas email die.
da macam kawan pulak.
hari pertama kan.
masing-masing semangat kua awal.
yele weih.
da la tak tau tempat.naik bus pulak tuh.
nak stop kat mana pun kitorang tak tau.
tanya punya tanya inche2 dalam bus.
then,this one guy kata.
dun worry.just follow him.oh nice :))
Sampai sane..
Memang OMG...bapak besar hospital nih.
fyi,Asan Medical Centre is the largest hospital in Korea and
second largest in Asia.'s really big.
Our hospital cards.Nampak tak tulisan korea tuh?
Stated there our title as a doctor :))

Ehee..Tekun pulak.Bukannye ape.Baru terhegeh-hegeh nak fill in form :p

Time tunggu Ms Ji Eun kat depan lif,ahjussi ni senyum-senyum pandang kitorang.
Pelik la tuh nampak kitorang.So,dengan muka tak malu..
Ajak ahjussi amek gambar.haha.
Then,lepas antar mereka nih pegi jumpe supervisor or department masing-masing,
aku pun dibawa ke Emergency department office.
Cuak gak rase.Sebab nye im alone there.
Member laen department laen.Haih.
There,i was welcomed by Dr.Ryuu..
he treats me for lunch.yeay.dpt lunch with his colleagues.
then after orientation,we decided to go to Coex Mall.
Asia's largest underground shopping mall.
Tak sempat pun nak pusing abes.
Patutnye ada aquaria dalam ni.
tapi entah mane.
sure-sure tak larat.
Cuma dua je yang pekenan di hati kat sini.
Waffle iron dan juga scrapbook yang comel.
Tapi bila datang kali kedua.
Scrapbook pulak da habes.Sobs sobs.

belakang tu le Asan Medical Centre..bsr gile kan?Mcm office pon ade gak.
4 Love hearts:
Mak Aii...Elective buat kat nya..untungla badan..huhu
Haha.sje je.bljar smbil bjln :) bile lg dpt posting smbil fun2 kn?her
Hi, I was finding for information about elective posting chances outside of Malaysia when I came across your blog. I was actually planning to go to Taiwan but after reading your blog I decided to try to go for Korea instead.
Just wanna ask a few questions regarding the posting,
1. how long did u do your elective posting there? did u get a visa before going coz i plan on going for about 6 weeks.
2. where do you live while doing your elective posting? is there a cheap place to stay coz i'm on a budget.
3. how do you withdraw money during your stay there?
sorry for asking too much..but i got so excited when i found out that it is possible to do our elective posting in s.korea as I've always wanted to go there since a long time ago :) there any language problem during ur posting? they can speak in english?
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