well, im almost done with my Medicine posting~
but,this one is coming.
Mock Exam~~uhuhu..
honestly, i am so nervous especially when he informed me
my examiner is Dr.Chris..
feeling so bad..
bcuz he is so particular.
i noe im going to die with his killing questions.
at last i got him as my examiner.
ble mbr n senior tnye sp my examiner,
mreka akn kate oh,gud luck le.haduisy~~
mengerti le prsaan kecuakan thap dewa skng ni.
prlu stdy.prlu cover dgn sgt rushing skng.
doctor,plz dun ask me so mny question n sile senyum ngan sgt lebarnye.ngee3~
really hope i can do well.without tremor for sure!!!ha-ha.
p/s:still thinking which one is better.short case or long case?
5 Love hearts:
OMG. serious dpt dia? haha. xpe la, mock exam je kan. aku tkut gk ni. examiner aku pn suh plih short or long, xtau nk yg mane.
my long case is coming soon,too!
pray for both of us.hua~
skinnyjeens :weh.ko tawu x,aq rase cm nk trjun bgunan je.
supervisor ak da r dr lim poh hin.bley kire ngn jari bp byk je clas ngn dye.tetbe dpt ngn org y gle prticular,mmg aq rase cm nk jerit je..haduii...
ktrg cm random je kot.huu~
najwae : ouh.gud luck ea beb~ idop kte mmg pnoh ngn exam je.huu~
muka2 org nk exam!! hahaha!!
ceit.mntang2 nga cti malaysia skng ni.uhhu~bersuka ria eh ko..
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