haaaa.Nampak tak nampak tak sume orang muke riang ria hari raya.
Mane tak nye weh sume first time menjejak kaki ke negara oppa.
Ki Bum oppa,Dong Wook oppa,Hyun Joong oppa....
Aaa..Sume le kan yang kau nak ngaku oppa kau.Muahaha.Memang!
We all sampai sane at 705 am waktu Korea.
Fyi,Korea ni 1 jam awal dari waktu Malaysia.
And,weather 6-7 degree celcius.
Sejuk jugak la.Wajib pakai sweater time tu.
Kalo tak,terketar la ko.
Cakap pun mulut berasap.Nice kan :))
Haa,ko nampak tak spek kat atas ni.Mencuri tangan aku la dibuatnye
ntuk snap gambar sekeping.
Mane tak nye.Ko ingat boley jumpe kt Malaysia mende nih?
Takde maknanye kan.Olders kena bawak sendiri la.
Ini la spek buat si mereka yang rabun dekat.
Provided you.
Me.While waiting for airport limousine bus.
Ni la airport limousine bus.We will stay in Gangdong.So,we took this bus from Incheon
airport to Cheonho station.
10000 won per ride/person. Similar to RM28.
Boley je kalo korang nak naek subway pegi guesthouse,hotel or even hostel around Seoul.
Tapi kann...
I advised tak payah la.Better naek bus.
Sebab susah kot nak angkut bag besar gedabak naek subway.
And,di buatnye kene tukar-tukar line kan leceh sebab tak familiar lagi.
Ohh,sebelum terlupe..
Handphone yang kite ade ni xboley nak beli sim card diorang.Dekat airport tu korang boley nak rent phone.
Macam kat situ je provide rent phone service ni.
Tak jumpe pulak around Seoul.
Senang jugak kalo korunk rent phone ni.
Boley le gune wifi everywhere.Even dalam taxi,subway.
Ollehwifi ade di mane-mane.Ohho~
Kalo korunk berdegil xnak rent phone pon takpe.
Macam aku and member-member aku buat.
Tegar bukan main.
Say no to rent phone.
Nak jimat duit untuk shopping punya pasal :P
Boley je communicate.
Sebab nye guest house atau hotel korang duduk tu,
for sure ade wifi.
Coffee house pun ade.And certain visited places pon ade.
So,xpayah nak risau sangat pasal FB,twitter,Youtube
or any entertainment yang korang obsess tuh.
Our tickets.Airport limousine bus.
10000 won je.Selesa.1 hour journey to our accomodation place.
Inside the bus
After 1 hour-journey,we all reached the destinations.
Sampai sane kitorang pon blurr.
Aaa.Mane Kanglivingtel nih?
Dengan berbekalkan sekeping kertas tertulis address Kanglivingtel,
kitorang pon mule r ngan operasi tanya ahjumma n agasshi yang ade kat situ.
Hampeh la kan kalo tanya ahjumma.
Sepatah haram cakap English dorang x reti.
Luckily,satu couple ni pandai speaking.
and,he was nice enough.He called Kanglivingtel.
He told us the owner of Kanglivingtel will pick us up but
we have to walk straight about 400m.
Waaa.Sambil menarik and menolak bag,terjumpa laa ahjumma yay.
bukan maen jauh gak la kitorang sesi tarik menarik bag ni.
Dalam 1 km ade kot ?
Our tiny,whity room.
For 2 persons.I stay there with my roomie.
Nampak kan katil double decker?Tapi kitorang tido same-same kat katil bawah.haha

Toilet and shower
Kitchen.All-in provided.
Water purifier,stove,rice,kimchi provided for free.
Stok makanan sebulan for 2 persons.Susun bukan maen cantik.yay.

Petang pulak,we all jalan-jalan kat Cheonho.
Ape ntah name street.
Meet my senior there.Memang bertuah sangat la kan die dok kat cheonho.
senang hidup aku nak mintak tolong pape.hahaha.
He brought along his friends,Amin.
dorang tolong beli kan T-reload money.
Kad ni penting ea untuk orang macam aku.
yang kemane-mane naek public transport.
Bus and subway.
Sangat useful.Discount sket kalo gune card nih.
Even though kiddies pun ade ye card ni.
Betapa pentingnye.
Kad ni sebenarnye macam Touch n Go la kat Malaysia ni.
Tapi kat Malaysia bukannye sume orang ade.
Then, we all lepak kat Homestead Coffee House.
Orang Korea memang teramat suke coffee kot.
Mane-mane boleh nampak coffee house yang super duper cute.
Design cantik yang amat.Rase setiap sudut nak amek gambar.
Over sket.
Kat sane,dorang xlayan pun Starbucks or Coffeebean.
Dorang lebey prefer their own products.
I ordered Choc Latte.
Sedap.Super sedap.Bukan macam Hot Choco yang biasa-biasa.
Dan,lepas tu kitorang gerak pegi Emart.
Emart ni supermarket.
Boley la nak beli vege bread,chips,ramen or what so ever yang korang suke :)
4 Love hearts:
Hi. I just recently stumbled upon your tumblr post and I noticed you went to Asan for an elective. I was wondering if you could help me out a bit. Where did you stay during your elective and how was it overall?
Hello there Fara! I'm planning to do my medical elective in S.Korea, preferrably Asan. I have several questions to ask so I really hope that u can drop me a msg here. I'm from Msia too btw. Harap kak blh reply sya ya. Thankyou :D
hi.Sory for the late reply. Just open up back my blog. Do u still have questions regarding elective posting in Seoul?
Hi! :) may i know where did you guys stay during your elective posting? Was the price ok?
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